

In this document, we will introduce the design of each datasets in MMGeneration and how users can design their own dataset.

In 1.x version of MMGeneration, all datasets are inherited from BaseDataset. Each dataset load the list of data info (e.g., data path) by load_data_list. In __getitem__, prepare_data is called to get the preprocessed data. In prepare_data, data loading pipeline consists of the following steps:

  1. fetch the data info by passed index, implemented by get_data_info

  2. apply data transforms to the data, implemented by pipeline

If you want to implement a new dataset class, you only need to implement load_data_list function. We also encourage users to use the original data loading logic provided by BaseDataset. If the default loading logic is difficult to meet your needs, you can overwrite the __getitem__ interface to implement your data loading logic.

The structure of this guide are as follows:


UnconditionalImageDataset is used for loading data for unconditional GAN models (e.g., StyleGANv2, StyleGANv3, WGAN-GP). In this class, we implement load_data_list to scan the data list from passed data_root and use the default data loading logic provided by BaseDataset.


GrowScaleImgDataset is designed for dynamic GAN models (e.g., PGGAN and StyleGANv1). In this dataset, we support switching the data root during training to load training images of different resolutions. This procedure is implemented by GrowScaleImgDataset.update_annotations and is called by PGGANFetchDataHook.before_train_iter in the training process.

def update_annotations(self, curr_scale):
    # determine if the data root needs to be updated
    if curr_scale == self._actual_curr_scale:
        return False

    # fetch new data root by resolution (scale)
    for scale in self._img_scales:
        if curr_scale <= scale:
            self._curr_scale = scale
        if scale == self._img_scales[-1]:
            assert RuntimeError(
                f'Cannot find a suitable scale for {curr_scale}')
    self._actual_curr_scale = curr_scale
    self.data_root = self.data_roots[str(self._curr_scale)]

    # reload the data list with new data root

    # print basic dataset information to check the validity
    print_log('Update Dataset: ' + repr(self), 'current')
    return True


SinGANDataset is designed for SinGAN’s training. In SinGAN’s training, we do not iterate the images in the dataset but return a consistent preprocessed image dict.

Therefore, we bypass the default data loading logic of BaseDataset because we do not need to load the corresponding image data based on the given index.

def load_data_list(self, min_size, max_size, scale_factor_init):
    # load single image
    real = mmcv.imread(self.data_root)
    self.reals, self.scale_factor, self.stop_scale = create_real_pyramid(
        real, min_size, max_size, scale_factor_init)

    self.data_dict = {}

    # generate multi scale image
    for i, real in enumerate(self.reals):
        self.data_dict[f'real_scale{i}'] = real

    self.data_dict['input_sample'] = np.zeros_like(

def __getitem__(self, index):
    # directly return the transformed data dict
    return self.pipeline(self.data_dict)


PairedImageDataset is designed for translation models that needs paried training data (e.g., Pix2Pix). The directory structure is shown below. Each image files are the concatenation of the image pair.

├── test
│   └── XXX.jpg
└── train
    └── XXX.jpg

In PairedImageDataset, we scan the file list in load_data_list and save path in pair_path field to fit the LoadPairedImageFromFile transformation.

def load_data_list(self):
    data_infos = []
    pair_paths = sorted(self.scan_folder(self.data_root))
    for pair_path in pair_paths:
        # save path in the specific field

    return data_infos


UnpairedImageDataset is designed for translation models that do not need paired data (e.g., CycleGAN). The directory structure is shown below.

├── testA
│   └── XXX.jpg
├── testB
│   └── XXX.jpg
├── trainA
│   └── XXX.jpg
└── trainB
    └── XXX.jpg

In this dataset, we overwrite __getitem__ function to load random image pair in the training process.

def __getitem__(self, idx):
    if not self.test_mode:
        return self.prepare_train_data(idx)

    return self.prepare_test_data(idx)

def prepare_train_data(self, idx):
    img_a_path = self.data_infos_a[idx % self.len_a]['path']
    idx_b = np.random.randint(0, self.len_b)
    img_b_path = self.data_infos_b[idx_b]['path']
    results = dict()
    results[f'img_{self.domain_a}_path'] = img_a_path
    results[f'img_{self.domain_b}_path'] = img_b_path
    return self.pipeline(results)

def prepare_test_data(self, idx):
    img_a_path = self.data_infos_a[idx % self.len_a]['path']
    img_b_path = self.data_infos_b[idx % self.len_b]['path']
    results = dict()
    results[f'img_{self.domain_a}_path'] = img_a_path
    results[f'img_{self.domain_b}_path'] = img_b_path
    return self.pipeline(results)

Design your own dataset

You may refer to tutorial in MMEngine.

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